Have you ever sat for a moment & thought that why is it that at in the present times the AWARENESS & CONSCIOUSNESS for well-being is so high.

How many of US believe that we are the BODY & are busy with the journey not even giving a single moment of thought to

What does the BODY require
Are we taking of it
Are we concerned of its well being

What is consciousness? All are aware that they are conscious. It cannot be denied. But modern science has not been able to explain consciousness satisfactorily.

Right now the vibration of the earth is HIGH & there is a shift in dimension form 3D TO 5D.

First of all, dimensions are not places or locations, they’re levels of consciousness that vibrate at a certain rate. There exist numerous dimensions; the fourth and fifth are simply higher than the one we’ve been living in. Ascension into even higher dimensions will continue even after we’ve reached the fifth.

Each dimension vibrates at a higher rate than the one below. In each higher dimension, there exists a clearer, wider perspective of reality, a greater level of knowing. We experience more freedom, greater power, and more opportunity to create reality.
In order for a higher dimension to be available to us, we need to vibrate in resonance with it. Shifting from one level of consciousness to the next higher one means becoming established on it, so we don’t get pulled back.

Now you would be thinking what is a 3D Dimension?

We commonly live in a 3 dimensional world, meaning the part of the universe which we can see and which we cannot see has higher dimensional aspects also.

From experience of actually looking at all the views of a OBJECT and holding it and rolling it in your hands, you know that the OBJECT in the photo is actually a three dimensional object, which you cannot actually put into words (try to put the feel of a round ball in words, and you’ll understand).

Here we have anger, hatred, jealousy & other EMOTIONAL states more dominant.


The Fifth Dimension has been described as the dimension of Love, of living totally from the Heart.

No more do you fear the EXISTING, you can see across the VEIL, where there are HIGHER BEINGS who are waiting to help you, guide you. Here you INTUITION/ GUT is the strongest. The guidance of the SUB-CONSCIOUS is the MOST POWERFUL thing. You are guided with your sub-conscious, this is the 95% of the ICE-BURGE you don’t see.

In order to enter into the Fifth Dimension and stay there, all mental and emotional baggage must be left at the door. No fear, anger, hostility, guilt exists there—no suffering or sense of separation.

Mastery over thought is a prerequisite. Manifestation in the Fifth Dimension is instantaneous. You think about something—it comes present.

People generally communicate through telepathy and have the ability to read each other’s thoughts and feelings with ease. The experience of time is radically different: some describe it as “everything happening at once.” There is no distinction between past, present or future.

Many of us are having experiences (or “dreams”) that feel like visits to the Fifth Dimension. These are exhilarating—tremendously exciting and hopeful. They keep us moving on through the difficulties that sometimes arise as we travel through the Fourth Dimension and into the Fifth.

There are higher beings superior to us (which can make themselves invisible to us by “hiding” in “higher dimension”s of the universe, and some of us have called them “aliens”) who can observe this universe in a totally different way and can a get a much, much deeper and “wider” “view” of the universe in a way we cannot imagine with this present limited material body of ours.

In the 5th Dimension you vibrate & resonate on a higher level, as you resonate from YOUR HEART.

The heart is the highest Source of LOVE energy, where there is no strings/meaning attached to what ever is existing in the 3D world.  Below the level of heart we are vibrating in the 3D world, at the level of heart the vibration gets neutral & above the heart comes the 5D world.

Bring back the joy, Love & Happiness by just shifting your CONSCIOUSNESS from 3D to 5D, & MANIFEST your REALITY.

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